About the South Australian Country Women’s Association Inc.
We were founded in 1929 by Mrs Mary Warnes MBE. Follow this link to History SA to read more about her life https://sahistoryhub.com.au/people/mary-jane-warnes-mbe
SACWA is the largest women’s service organisation in South Australia. It needs you to ensure it can continue to grow and provide valuable assistance to the community.
Joining a branch offers lots of opportunities to learn new skills, build friendships and give back to the community – whilst having plenty of fun along the way!
As a member of SACWA you will also be part of a global organisation – Associated Country Women of the World.
Members regularly participate in workshops on handicraft, baking, floriculture, the arts and international matters. Branches also fundraise for the SACWA Emergency Aid Fund, the Dorothy Dolling Memorial Trust Fund, or any other project that the Association is undertaking.