Handicraft Committee
SACWA is all about learning new skills while having fun along the way. Members of the Handicraft Committee are all committed “crafty ladies”, who enjoy passing on their talents to members, friends and family. They work proactively, providing tutelage around the State, and raising funds towards the running of the Association.
The SACWA Handicraft School is held each year in order for Handicraft Officers to learn three new crafts and take these back to their local areas for interested members to learn.
Saturday Workshops
The Handicraft Committee’s Saturday workshops have been a roaring success, and by popular demand they will continue on a regular basis.
Dates for 2024 are as follows:-
- 27 January
- 24 February
- 23 March
- 27 April
- 25 May
- 22 June
- 27 July
- 24 August
- 28 September
- 26 October
- 23 November
Location: Large Meeting Room, Mary Walker House – 30 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town
Time: 10am to 3pm
Refreshments: Morning and Afternoon tea provided, BYO Lunch
Cost: Donation entry
These sessions are BYO craft project. Bring along some new ideas or your favourite pattern to share. Members of the Handicraft Committee will be available for support, and kits for popular items will be available for sale at a nominal cost. The Handicraft shop will also be open.
We will continue to offer the Celluloid Needle Folder kit ($5) if you would like to learn this old craft which is making a resurgence. We have a few punches available to be used during these sessions thanks to the generosity of members.
Come along and join in the fun! Meet members from other branches and share your skills and experience.
Let the Crafting Continue!.
Handicraft Distribution Centre
The SACWA Handicraft Distribution Centre is in Mary Walker House at 30 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town.
With the revamping of our Handicraft Shop we now have a lovely range of items on sale, covering many assorted crafts. Remember to check out the sale table and our past State Crafts next time you are in the shop.
A variety of needlework, craft items and card making supplies are available for to purchase. Gift vouchers are available. These make an ideal gift for Creative Card or Table Days.
Members work on a roster basis to provide this service. Anyone interested in assisting would be very welcome. Please contact State Office to find out more.
Handicraft Distribution Centre Opening Times
Please support the Handicraft Centre, your sales benefit the Association.
Handicraft Centre is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
New items are always being added to our stock.
Phone and email orders welcomed and will be processed ASAP.
Hobbies and Craft workshops
South Australian Country Women’s Association organise a variety of hobby and handicrafts workshops. These workshops provide members with opportunities to learn and share skills.
Handicraft Kits for 2023 are available to purchase from the SACWA Handicraft Distribution Centre.
Click here to download a list of Recognised Handicrafts taught by SACWA.
Click here to submit a stock order request or enquiry to the Handicraft Committee online.
State Handicraft Committee members are willing to visit your group or branch to share their expertise in card making, knitting, crochet or embroidery. Contact us with possible dates, times and location. All we ask is that we join you in shared refreshments.
A visit to State Office
Has your branch considered a visit to State Office for one of your meetings, or just a special visit?
Your visit can be either in the day or evening and State Officers are happy to show you around B&B on Dequetteville and Mary Walker House.
The Handicraft Committee will open the Handicraft Centre, so you can see the scope of all handicraft supplies that are available to you as members. Our prices are cheaper than the larger known craft suppliers!
Just let us know dates and times and we will try to accommodate..

For all your card making supplies
We stock a large range of stickers, 30×30, A4 and A5 card sheets, Packs of cards, 3D die cut sheets, die cut pieces and all manner of card making supplies.
Next Card Making Workshop
25 March 2024
State Handicraft School 2024
28 April – 3 May 2024 at State Office
State Craft Kits for 2023 are available
Contact the Handicraft Distribution Centre for further details
- Dorset Embroidery iPad Case $5.75
- Knitted Cable Tea Cosy $10.80
- Trapunto Armchair Caddy $7.00
- State Craft Book $7.50
- Full Handicraft Kit $31.00
Click here to download a list of Recognised Handicrafts taught by SACWA.
Click here to submit a stock order request or enquiry to the Handicraft Committee online.
Email Address
You can now contact the Handicraft committee direct with our email address:
You can send your handicraft shop orders, ask questions, or requests for judges for Table Days.